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‘Immediate action’ needed on security in Haiti: Canada’s Trudeau Canada hosts a virtual meeting on Haiti amid the country’s political, economic and humanitarian crises.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said immediate action is needed to fix the security situation in Haiti, which is in the throes of a deepening constitutional crisis in the aftermath of President Jovenel Moise’s assassination last year.

Canada announced an additional $39m ($50m Canadian) in aid would be provided to Haiti towards health services, security and infrastructure. A senior US State Department official also said the United Nations was organising a donors conference for February at which the US could provide “significant additional resources” beyond what it has already given.

Haiti has faced mounting political instability and a climate of violence in neighbourhoods dominated by criminal gangs following Moise’s killing on July 7, 2021, when armed gunmen stormed his residence in the capital, Port-au-Prince.

Trudeau said assistance for Haiti would be a central topic of discussion during a virtual meeting on Friday that included representatives from 19 countries, including from Canada, the United States and France, as well as Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry.